We offer shared care with local hospitals: postnatal and baby checks are carried out at the surgery roughly 8 weeks after delivery.
All mothers should attend for a routine examination and discussion of any problems.
This includes cervical smears, breast checks, blood pressure and urine tests. Contraceptive advice is also available. We recommend smear tests for all women between the ages of 25-64, and we will remind you when your next smear test is due. It is very important that you attend your annual reviews when invited as this helps the GPs/nurses monitor your health and identify and changes early on.
We hold a fortnightly clinic with our Health Visitor for 0 to 5 years old.
Many diabetic patients receive ongoing care at the practice.
Asthmatic patients see the nurse; she can work with them to improve management of their condition.
All patients over the age of 75 should be seen every year by a member of the practice team for a general assessment.